More Ston'emm Recruits have Arrived!
Working on a new much larger resin kit release but in the meantime before that gets underway, Steve and I have been throwing together little squads of new Ston'emm recruits using the Bahr'el Breaker Ston'emm sculpt that we debuted at LegionsCon 2022 this past November.
This is a fun little Ston'emm and I really enjoy making, what essentially is a Customs Corps style release every couple of weeks.
The store is live right now, so go check out what's there, Steve made some awesome earthy colorways on this round, perfect for our rock guys!
Ston'emm Reinforcements have Landed!
Ston'emm reinforcements have arrived!
This is just a teeny tiny mini drop that I was able to build into a group of figures.
Check the store have fun and ROCK ON!
"Ston'emm command outpost come in! This is Sta'lagg of Granite from moon base Quar'taa 5 responding to your request for additional troops! Sending a squad of Bahr'el Breakers, and a few Ston'emm Elite Soldiers your way on an Astercraft Transport Shuttle now. ETA 1500 hours Sol System Eastern Time.
We will transmit again before the troops are deployed, rock those Armorvor scum for us back home Ston'emms! Sta'lagg of Granite over and out!"
Series 2 Lil'grind news!
Okay so apparently I am horrible at keeping this blog updated, but in my defense thats mostly because I use Instagram way more then this blog to get the word out on upcoming drops.
But seeing as the last entry here was from December of 2021, and it shows up as the preview imagery- now seems like a good time for an updated.
Ston'emm December 2021 Drop is LIVE
Okay *whew* here goes everything everybody!
Ston'emm December 2021 drop IS LIVE!!!
Go to and hit the store and see what you can grab! There's ALOT of stuff: Custom Ston'emm figures, Kits, Terra-Fauna, Lil'grinds! MASS HYSTERIA!!
2021 Ston'emm Release is LIVE!!!
The Ston'emm 2021 drop is live!!! AHHHH!!!!
The Great Bah'glenn Glyos Lot Purge Extravaganza is live!!!
Been a while but I am here to purge some Glyos and chew bubble gum.
And I am alllll out of bubble gum.
Head to the store here on this site and see if you see a lot of parts you may want!
Buhl'tohdians Debut release is LIVE!!
The last drop of 2019 from Bahglenn Creations is LIVE!! Head on over to our store (located HERE) and grab yourself a Buhl'tohdian AND a special rocky surprise edition for this holiday season!
Happy Holidays everybody!
October 2019 Release a Success!
Well with just a little over a week in the store, just about all of our 2019 Halloween offerings have sold out! As of this writing we may have one lone Specter Rokk'pot left and all of our Canne'trickers have gone off to spread Halloween trickery in other people's homes (be sure to keep a steady supply of candy on hand- those little guys sure get hungry!).
After 5 months...We're back!!!
Hey gang! Sorry for the delay during the last FIVE MONTHS. The end of the year is always hectic around here and after our 'Boids are Back!' release we had to re-group and re-evaluate how we do stuff around here. I am not prepared to say what is due next, but I am hopeful you all will enjoy it.
- Glyos (22)
- Ston'emm (13)
- Warriors of Slauria (11)
- Alien Mercenaries (7)
- Alien Mercenaries Return (6)
- Lil'grinds (6)
- Rokk'pots (6)
- Ston'emms (6)
- Action Plushies (4)
- Plush toys (4)
- Plushies (4)
- Toys (4)
- Commander Grott (3)
- Frrr'ohst (3)
- Lavarrians (3)
- Rokk'pot (3)
- Role-Playing Games (3)
- Thornoid (3)
- Bruh'guh (2)
- Canne'boids (2)
- Cassetteman Studios (2)
- Character Creation (2)
- Comm. Grott and the Prutarran Criminal Catchers (2)
- Inhumanoids (2)
- New York Comic Con 2013 (2)
- Porr'pul (2)
- Pru'tarr (2)
- RPGs (2)
- Tohdians (2)
- Warr'gin (2)
- 2009 Glyos (1)
- Action Figures (1)
- Alien Mercenaries Season Two (1)
- Battle Tribes (1)
- Bio-Mass Monsters (1)
- Bios (1)
- Bog-Nar (1)
- Bouldar Brute (1)
- Bruggade (1)
- Bruggades (1)
- Christmas (1)
- Collection Purge (1)
- Creature World (1)
- Criminal Catchers (1)
- Crystal (1)
- Crystar (1)
- Cthulhu (1)
- Custom Canne'boids (1)
- Custom Figure (1)
- Doctor Kent (1)
- Dudd the Dense (1)
- Dy-Mnnd (1)
- Glyos Resin Figure (1)
- Holiday Sale (1)
- Hub Drones (1)
- Juggermyte (1)
- Juggermytes (1)
- Lavarrian (1)
- LI Toy Show (1)
- Lil'grind (1)
- Long Island Toy Show (1)
- Lost Episodes (1)
- Mordles (1)
- Nemesis (1)
- New York Comic Con 2012 (1)
- Old Glyos (1)
- Original Artwork (1)
- Photo Comics (1)
- Plush tototally ys (1)
- Pru'tarran Criminal Catchers (1)
- Pru'tarrans (1)
- Rocks & Bugs & Things (1)
- Savage Swamps (1)
- Skeleden (1)
- stuffed animals (1)
- Zullen (1)
- May 2023 (1)
- April 2023 (3)
- December 2021 (1)
- September 2021 (1)
- June 2021 (1)
- December 2019 (1)
- November 2019 (1)
- March 2019 (1)
- October 2018 (6)
- September 2018 (4)