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Comm Grott & the Prutarran Criminal Catchers Part 4 is LIVE!!

This is it! What we have all been waiting EIGHT YEARS to see: Part 4 of the Comm Grott and the Prutarran Criminal Catchers mini-series!!!

Had to burn the midnight oil on this one folks so I hope you enjoy jt. 

Click HERE for Part 4, and if you missed parts 1-through-3 you can see them here, here and here.

Character Bios: Comm Grott and the Prutarran Criminal Catchers!!!

As per the request of one of our readers (Hi Jason!!!), I have taken the steps to writing and uploading biographies on the characters in the Alien Mercenaries and Comm. Grott and the Prutarran Criminal Catchers photo comics.

After Part 3 of Ambush on Mt Nuhoopshar went live yesterday, I figured a good way to start this ball rolling would be with Bios for the characters who took centerstage in these first 3 episodes.

Goons of Crime Boss Ol'fogee

Name: Ol'fohgee(“ol-foe-gi”)

Role: Criminal Mastermind

Race: Slaurian

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