This is the standard color for the Tohdian race, although they come in various shades of this light green.
Fun Fact? The blue "Action Onesie" it is wearing is made from the same fabric as the Mattel Mego-Styled Darkseid figure.
Tohdians First Release Sept 9th 2018:
In this gallery you will see photos of all the different types of Tohdians we had available for purchase on Sunday September 9th 2018.
Our first real release since October of 2013 and also the debut of the Warriors of Slauria: Savage Swamps resin toy line, this release held a lot of milestones for us.
This was also our first attempt at doing a cardback for the release which was again meticulously drawn by Victor Durango of Cassetteman Studios. Easily one of his best work's to date with us.
- August 2013 Ston'emm Release
- NYCC 2013 Ston'emm Release
- Ston'emm July 2013 Release
- Canne'boid Early Sketches, Studies & Concept Ideas
- Canne'boids 1st Release August of 2011
- Tectonisaur Ston'emm Prototype Sculpt Pictures
- Lil'grinds: Ston'emm Mini-figure Companions!
- NYCC 2012 Ston'emms Release
- Misc. Canne'boids, Canne'mytes & Canne'lanterns
- Ston'emm (3)
- Canne'boid (2)
- Canne'boids (1)
- Canne'lantern (1)
- Canne'myte (1)
- Ston'emms (1)
- Tectonisaur (1)